With the year end nearing, we are already thinking about what’s next and what it (might) entail(s) for us and you. At IIBA Brussels Chapter we are continuing to foster awareness around the value of business analysis and to support and advance your skills. We will organise the 3d edition of the BABOK study group, a bunch of survey community sessions, webinars from knowledge sharing professionals, the 4th edition of BA & Beyond and lest not forget, the #BACafé, among other things.
All these events and activities have two things in common: they advance you as a Business Analyst and you are never alone in that. The challenging year (almost) behind us, separated us all, yet brought us all together in a different way. We’ve seen the power of the collective when changes are necessary.
Thank you for joining us massively in our virtual webinars, participating in our digital discussions, being part of BA & Beyond 2020 from behind your screen and for supporting the first Big Belgian BA Survey while working at home. Thank you for being there with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and even occasionally Twitter. Without you, 2020 would not have been the same for us, as Chapter.
Stay tuned and join us in 2021 to support us in our mission to help spread awareness on the value of the business analyst and to help share knowledge with your fellow BAs.
Wishing you a wonderful and festive end-of-year.
Saartje Lambregts
IIBA Brussels Chapter Volunteer